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Call of destiny

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Call of destiny Empty Call of destiny

Post by Hyuuga Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:24 pm

As the sun set on the city of Azra, the creatures of darkness that lived there began to emerge from their dens. Two black dots where seen on the horizon. The twin sons of Ather queen of the demon spawn Keleo and Aubri where in the forms of ravens. They landed on the tierce of her bedroom high above the dark city. A woman in an elegant dress stood at the doors she walked forward and held Keleo’s cheek affectionately “Keleo my son. Can I ask what have I done to deserve this?” she said kindly.

“I- what are you talking about mother?” he said scared.

“You fool!” she yelled her face turning demonic for a second, while she clawed down the side of her face “You where supposed to be watching her, and now she is missing!”

“my queen have mercy. I did not realize that the protectorate would come so quickly” he said cowering in the corner trying to wipe the blood off his face. “I thought she would be able to use her power to fend them off.” He squealed

“You idiot she doesn’t have her power yet!” then she looked at Aubri he stood un changed as when he had first came “But you my most perfect son. I expect you did not fail me?”

“No mother my mission was unabated your escape route is secure.” Aubri said in a deep and strong voice.

“Good now Kaleo get your pitiful form out of my sight, you may leave when you wish General Aubri” She said handing him a General’s uniform.

“Thank you my queen, But I have business to tend to in the city” he siad turning back into a raven and flying off. When he was out of site of the castle he flew to the city wall and dived under a bush and transformed back into man form. He picked up a young baby and said quietly “hush now little sister, you will be safe soon enough.” Then he created a portal and walked through it.

Further down the country side was the city of Aral. This was the capital city of the country bordering Azra, Known as Elestierith. This is where the next man in our story comes from. He sat in his study in Castle Delori. He had long black hair and sharp strong features. He was about forty when this all began. A young age for his race. Outside in the hall foot falls where rapidly approaching. Our hero heaved a deep sigh and put on a plain red shirt and stood up. As he did a sword and a padded over coat, came in front of him. He strapped the sword to his side and put on the coat and buttoned it just as the foot falls stopped at his door and knocked

“Enter!” he said commandingly. A younger man then he in a similar uniform though a little more diminished came in with an arm full of papers. He saluted wit his free hand, “Private Gordon Sir, on orders to bring Admiral Alexander to Grand General Falon.” He said in a vary military fashion.

“Well then what are you waiting for private, take me to him.” Alexander said not waiting for the kid but walking out in front of him. The private stayed behind not wanting to oppose and Admiral. “Kid come here” Alexander siad perceiving the nature of his timidity. The young private stepped forward and Alexander smiled “look in the protectorate you have to be willing to perform orders from the Big man, don’t ever call him that any where else, even if it is to a higher ranking officer putting you in charge. Don’t be afraid to tell that officer to learn his place under the Generals orders and step out. My uncle will reword you for such boldness kindly if you walk in first or what ever be the nature of your orders.” He siad putting his hand on the boy’s shoulders

“Yes Sir I under stand” he siad walking in front of Alexander.

When they got to a big conference room Gordon opened the door “Admiral Alexander to see Grand General Falon” with that he bowed and left.

General Falon sat at the head of a large table flanked by a plethora of different ranked people. General Falon himself wore an elegant robe with medals and other paraphernalia that high ranking military officers usually had. He had white hair and deep grey eyes. But despite his apparent age his body was as fit as Alexander’s. “Good you made it, take a seat we can begin” General Falon siad pointing to the last open seat at the end of the table.

Alexander took a seat and Falon spoke “I have called you all here to discus the current state of the mortal realm. They have become violent over the years and they have become aragent. So I have decided, and conferred wit the kings of Aral, that we shall send three people into the mortal realm to lead them above this.”

“I volunteer my lord” Alexander said standing up and bowing.

“good meet me in my office in an hour, Dismissed” he yelled every one left in a hurry. No one stayed after the general said dismissed it was said to be fatal.

Alexander went to Falon’s office after getting his full apparel on and having his clothes packed, along with spell books and other such things. He entered the office to see one other person in the room besides the General “Admiral Alexander Warner reporting for orders sir!” he siad as he entered.

“Damn it Al, you know I hate al that formal Crap.” Falon said. Coming up and hugging him

“yes Uncle” he siad in mock formality now. “So who is this?” he siad looking over the other person in the room. The person was a female about his age with long black hair and a warrior’s build

“She is Sapphire of the Valkuri” Falon said sitting back down “she will be part of the team in the mortal realm.”

“Well that accounts for two but I thought you wanted three?” Alexander said confused, he would have used his power as a psychic to penetrate his uncle’s mind but knew that would be futile.

“the third is already there, a vampiress baby named amber. Lord Aubri betrayed his mother to us and offered his little sister as the third member of the team. I would have declined but at that same time the order of the sight fore saw the three of you as the team so I relented and allowed it to happen.” Falon explained

“A vampiress but such things are enemy to the kingdom” Sapphire siad worried

“Prophecy never lies, and that is only half true the Vampires of Azra are our enemy but there are Vampire in the main kingdom as well that are good and would only hurt some one if truly provoked.” Falon siad “now Alexander you will be sent to an orphanage as a human baby, this is only illusion, and will be adopted by a family at the age of three. Same with you Sapphire but you will allow them to name you. Now I will set up the spell and as you walk through the portal to the other realm it will activate. Your powers and your current state of mind will be the same. You will integrate into human society and wait for the right time to act so go now” he siad creating the portal.

The two left with out another word.

End prologue

Chance Meetings

For the next thirteen years Alexander lived in the mortal realm. He trained his powers and became even more powerful. He, Sapphire, and Amber lived in a city called Bay Point. In a province of North America called California. They all went to the same school and became leaders of a sort in their area’s.

Alexander had converted to a religion called Christianity. He then became the vice president of the Christian club at the school. Amber was a leader of a group of Anime fanatics, and Sapphire became one of the schools political leaders.

Alexander walked up to the school, Amber and Sapphire flanking his sides. “So lady’s you hear any thing from the other realm lately?” he asked

“My mother is still in exile but Aubrey says there are roomers of her return. If that happens the mortal realm will be in great danger. But I think its Just Kaleo trying to scare up support for his rebellion against Aubrey’s rule.” Amber said taking out her Naruto manga and sitting down on the steps of the school.

“Well one way or the other I will bring it up with my uncle’s in our next meeting.” Alexander siad plopping down next to her “Did Orochimaru die yet?” he said motioning to the manga

“oh shut up” Amber said pushing his shoulder a little “How bout you jewel thief, you hear any thing from Lord Oden yet” Amber said looking at Sapphire.

Sapphire looked up from a history book and said “well he says that the spawn in his region of the kingdom have stayed pretty quite on matter so no trouble there” she went back to reading after that.

Alexander looked at his friends. Amber was a tall girl with short curly black hair, she was a little on the heavy side, but in a good way not morbidly obese like most kids at the school. She wore punk style clothing and loved Goth music. Sapphire was a tall skinny black girl with a commanding aura about her. And Alexander was average height short brown hair and had no physical prowess in this form what so ever.

Just as the bell rang Alexander’s eye’s flashed purple, Amber and sapphire looked intently at him, “a Message from uncle, there are reports of a Magical entity attacking Japan, the Protectorate agents there are requesting our assistance. I’ll leave duple gangers here so we’re not counted absent lets move” Alexander said turning on the spot and going into an ally way.

He created the duple gangers and they went to school instead of them. Then Sapphire and Alexander reverted to their normal form. Alexander now a tall full Adult psychic was six feet tall. He had a strong build rippling with muscles. He wore a leather trench coat and black stream line sunglasses. Sapphire wore skin tight black leather and her hair was tied up in a pony tail. She too had a muscular body. Amber became thinner and more intimidating “alright every one is ready let’s go.” He uttered a few words in ancient and was gone. Sapphire did the same. Amber hissed a dark vampuric word and her body’s molecular mass began to deteriorate and then she drifted off into nothingness.

((cliff hangers buwahahaha. also this is Alex from the last forum havent been on in a while cus i lost the old link thanks for the email other Alexander

Last edited by Hyuuga on Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2008-08-12

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Call of destiny Empty Re: Call of destiny

Post by Christopher Silva Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:49 am

Alex, this is good. Here is a couple of tips for the first bit.

As the sun set on the city of Azra, the creatures of darkness that lived there began to emerge from their dens. Two black dots where seen on the horizon. The twin sons of Ather, queen of the demon spawn Keleo and Aubri where in the forms of ravens. They landed on the tierce of her bedroom high above the dark city. A woman in an elegant dress stood at the doors she walked forward and held Keleo’s cheek affectionately “Keleo my son. Can I ask what have I done to deserve this?” she siad kindly.

“I- what are you talking about mother?” he siad scared.

“You fool!” she yelled, her face turning demonic for a second, while she clawed down the side of her face “You where supposed to be watching her, and now she is missing!”
Christopher Silva
Christopher Silva

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Call of destiny Empty Re: Call of destiny

Post by Hyuuga Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:23 pm

thanks Chris, if i can call you that, i when typing i keep messing up Said and forget to correct it. but thanks


Posts : 2
Join date : 2008-08-12

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